Business Affairs

Tuition & Fees

All charges are per semester hour unless otherwise noted.  Tuition and fees are subject to change without notification by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

When a student chooses to audit a course, he/she receives no credit and is charged the same amount as for a regular course.


Oklahoma Residents$112
Non-Residents of Oklahoma$268




Mandatory fees have been approved by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.  These fees fund the operation, maintenance, and development of Western's infrastructure.  The fees benefit students at the institutional level, not the individual level.

Student Activity Fee $9.75 $9.75
Student Center Fee $4.00 $4.00
Student Assessment Fee $4.00 $4.00
Records Fee $1.50 $1.50
Technology Services Fee $11.50 $11.50
Library Fee $3.25 $3.25
Cultural Recreation Fee $2.25 $2.25
Infrastructure Fee $3.00 $3.00
Student Senate Fee $0.25 $0.25
Safety/Security Fee $5.00 $5.00
Total Tuition & Mandatory Fees per credit hour $156.50 $312.50
Per Semester    
Student ID Fee $4.00 $4.00
Parking Fee $15.00 $15.00


Explanation of Fees



**These fees are in addition to the tuition and mandatory fees. All charges are per semester hour unless otherwise noted. Tuition and fees are subject to change without notification by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

Agricultural Facility Usage Fee $9.00
Agriculture Greenhouse Fee $9.00
Agriculture Livestock Feeding Fee $12.00
Agriculture Plant/Soil/Animal Science Lab Course $12.00
Application Fee for first time entering students (non-refundable) $20.00
Aviation Simulator Lab Fee $25.00
Bowling Fee (per course) $30.00
Business Math and Calculators (per course) $10.00
Computer Science $8.00
Diploma Replacement Fee (per copy) $20.00
Evaluation Extra-Institutional Learning $8.00
Liberal Arts and Humanities Instructional Fee $5.00
Math Special Instruction Fee $25.00
Nursing Application Fee $35.00
Nursing Cameron Fee (Lawton Campus Only) $49.50
Nursing Clinical Fee (annually) (Fall only) $125.00
Nursing Instructional Laboratories $45.00
Nursing MyClinicalExchange Fee (Lawton Campus Only) (annually) $39.50
Nursing Special Instruction Fee $35.00
Nursing Testing and Materials Fee $75.00
Off Campus Course Fee $10.00
Off Campus Electronic Media Fee/Internet Fee $35.00
Physical Education Fee (per course) except bowling $8.00
Remedial Fee (per semester hr on all "0" level courses) $15.00
Science Laboratory Course $12.00
Science Special Instruction Fee $25.00
Transcript Fee (per copy after first 12 copies) $2.00
Wellness Center Fee (per semester) $30.00
 Room & Board Pricing


Net Price Calculator


What is Western Oklahoma State College?

  • About

    Western Oklahoma State College, established as Altus Junior College in 1926, is the oldest original municipal two-year college still in existence in Oklahoma...
    [About WOSC]
  • Vision

    Western Oklahoma State College aspires to be the outstanding and innovative community college known for its focus on student success and its service to community and regional development.
  • Mission

    The mission of Western Oklahoma State College is to provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student success, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional, and global communities.