About Western

Western's Comprehensive Institutional Assessment

Western's Cycle of Assessment begins with the College mission, which is provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student sucess, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional and global communities. 

 Assessment Cycle

Western publishes a comprehensive Assessment Report annually. The assessment cycle includes Summer, Fall and Spring semester data, which is published the following fall semester annually. The most current report is linked below.  All archived Assessment Reports are also housed on our website. 

Western has identified five broad skills called Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs), that all graduates should be able to demonstrate. Select a Learning Outcome for more information.


Communication Skills  Math Skills

Critical Thinking Skills  Life Skills

Western also has three instituional goals that drive the institution and the strategic planning process. These goals align with the College mission and the ILOs to achieve the ultimate goal of providing high quality education. 

  • Goal 1: Increase Student Success
  • Goal 2: Provide new and expanded Opportunities for professional and organizational development. 
  • Goal 3: Creat a culture of inquiry, innovation, and action through quality assessment. 

These goals along with the President's Priorities help drive the strategic plan, which is embedded in the College Plan. This document includes a great deal of assessment and analysis in addition to the Assessment Report. 

Along with other methods of assessment, Western has a robust Program Review process. All programs are reviewed on a five year cycle as prescribed by the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education. See Western's Program Review Guidelines and Program Review Rubric & Recommendations.


Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

Communication Skills:

Objective #1: Students will apply reading strategies to identify the main ideas.
Objective #2: Students will organize and explain ideas, both in writing and orally, in an effective and grammatically correct way.
Objective #3: Students will utilize sources to support ideas.

 Math Skills:

Institutional Learning Outcome #2:Math Skills
Objective: Students will use and evaluate mathematical information effectively


Critical Thinking Skills:

Institutional Learning Outcome #3: Critical Thinking Skills
Objective #1:Students will logically discuss the relationship between cause and effect.
Objective #2: Students will access information and apply reasoning and judgment to formulate logical conclusions.

Life Skills:

Institutional Learning Outcome #4: Life Skills
Objective #1: Students will define their role and responsibility as participants in society.
Objective #2: Students will develop personal growth goals based upon self-awareness.
Objective #3: Students will determine ethical behavior and analyze its effect in society.


Assessment Reports Archive


What is Western Oklahoma State College?

  • About

    Western Oklahoma State College, established as Altus Junior College in 1926, is the oldest original municipal two-year college still in existence in Oklahoma...
    [About WOSC]
  • Vision

    Western Oklahoma State College aspires to be the outstanding and innovative community college known for its focus on student success and its service to community and regional development.
  • Mission

    The mission of Western Oklahoma State College is to provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student success, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional, and global communities.